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Privacy Policy

1. What does this Privacy Policy mean?

This Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Privacy Policy) provides information regarding how UAB “Bonus Vita” (hereinafter referred to as Bonus Vita or the Company) handles your personal data obtained when the Company provides you with employee search, recruitment and mediation services; performs contracts concluded with natural, institutional and legal persons; promotes the awareness about Bonus Vita; when you visit Bonus Vita’s website or social media accounts; when you submit requests, etc. Please find the persons whose data is processed by Bonus Vita listed below (called the Data Subjects).

2. About Bonus Vita

Bonus Vita means the company UAB “Bonus Vita”, legal entity code 300017981, office address: Gabijos St. 32, LT-06100 Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania, the data about Bonus Vita are collected and stored in the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Lithuania. Contact e-mail regarding personal data protection issues:

3. What are personal data?

Personal data are any information collected by Bonus Vita about a Data Subject, which can be used to identify the Data Subject and is stored electronically or otherwise.

Personal data includes any information, such as the name, surname, address, phone number of a Data Subject, information about the Data Subject’s work interests, etc., which Bonus Vita collects about Data Subjects for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy or in a separate Data Subject’s consent form or agreement entered into with Bonus Vita.

4. Processing of personal data during the registration of persons for a visit to Bonus Vita

Categories of Data Subjects Legal basis for data processing (Article 6 of the GDPR) Categories of personal data Recipients of data (controllers) Recipients of data (processors) Terms of data storage and deletion
Registration of a person
Persons who register for a visit Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause a of the GDPR (Consent) Name, surname, date of birth, age, e-mail, phone number, special categories data (health data) (as much as the person chooses to provide). None IT equipment administrators and suppliers Until the start of the registered visit
Representatives of persons who register for a visit Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause c of the GDPR (Legal obligations) Name, surname, e-mail, phone number, relation with the person (basis of representation) None IT equipment administrators and suppliers Until the start of the registered visit

5. Raising the awareness about Bonus Vita and the Company’s marketing, publishing customer reviews

Categories of Data Subjects Legal basis for data processing (Article 6 of the GDPR) Categories of personal data Data recipients (controllers) Data recipients (processors) Terms of data storage and deletion
Raising the awareness about Bonus Vita and the Company’s marketing, publishing customer reviews
Persons who consented to the Company disclosing their personal data Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause a of the GDPR (Consent) Name, surname, comment on the services provided, other information that the person chooses to make public, e-mail, signature, date of consent. Visitors of the website Website administrator 5 years from the receipt of consent

6. Direct marketing

Categories of Data Subjects Legal basis for data processing (Article 6 of the GDPR) Categories of personal data Data recipients (controllers) Data recipients (processors) Terms of data storage and deletion
Direct marketing (service offers, reminders to visit, etc.)
Persons who have consented to direct marketing being carried out in respect to them Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause a of the GDPR (Consent) Name, surname, e-mail, phone number. None Marketing service provider Personal data shall be stored for 2 years from the date of consent

7. Video surveillance for the purpose of protecting property and persons

Categories of Data Subjects Legal basis for data processing (Article 6 of the GDPR) Categories of personal data Data recipients (controllers) Data recipients (processors) Terms of data storage and deletion
Video surveillance for the purpose of protecting property and persons
Persons entering the field of video surveillance Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause f of the GDPR (Legitimate interest) Personal image data (image) None Supplier of video surveillance equipment 14 calendar days from the creation of the video

8. Selection of candidates

Categories of Data Subjects Legal basis for data processing (Article 6 of the GDPR) Categories of personal data Data recipients (controllers) Data recipients (processors) Terms of data storage and deletion
Selection of candidates
Candidates Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause a (Consent), Clause f (of the person who submitted a recommendation) of the GDPR Name, surname, contact details (e-mail, phone number), desired position, work experience (employer, position, person who can/provides a recommendation), education, other information specified in the CV, application form or motivation letter None None 3 days after signing a contract with the selected candidate or taking the decision to end the selection, except when a separate consent is given regarding the storage of the candidate’s personal data for the period specified in the consent

9. Conclusion and execution of contracts entered into with contracting legal entities and natural persons

Categories of Data Subjects Legal basis for data processing (Article 6 of the GDPR) Categories of personal data Data recipients (controllers) Data recipients (processors) Terms of data storage and deletion
Conclusion and execution of contracts with legal entities and natural persons
Employees, employees of the contracting legal entities Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause f of the GDPR (Legitimate interest in relation to employees of contracting legal entities), Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause b of the GDPR of the GDPR (Contract in relation to an employee) Name, surname, e-mail, phone number, content of communication Supplier-legal entity None 10 years after the expiration of the contract
Contracting legal entity Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause f of the GDPR (Contract) Name, surname, personal identification number, contact data (phone number, e-mail), number of individual activity certificate, bank account data, other information specified in the contract entered into with the natural person None None 10 years after the expiration of the contract

10. Protection of legitimate interests

Categories of Data Subjects Legal basis for data processing (Article 6 of the GDPR) Categories of personal data Data recipients (controllers) Data recipients (processors) Terms of data storage and deletion
Protection of rights and interests
Other party to the dispute, employees of the party to the dispute Article 6 Paragraph 1 Clause f of the GDPR (Legitimate interest) Name, position, date, circumstances of the dispute, other information related to the dispute Law enforcement institutions, lawyers (advocates), courts, bailiffs None 5 years from the date of entry into force of the court decision

11. Contact us

There are several ways to contact Bonus Vita: by phone or by e-mail. We receive, review and respond to all messages ourselves. If you contact us, we may process the data you provide, i. e. your name, surname, e-mail, phone number, content of the request (information that you choose to provide us).

Such data will be processed in order to answer your questions and consider your offers. If you do not provide your contact details, we will not be able to contact you and respond to you.

The specified personal data shall be stored for 1 year from the receipt of a request and/or an application, with the exception of information for the storage of which other terms are set in this Privacy Policy or legislation.

All personal data that you provide when communicating with us shall be used only for the above-mentioned purposes.

Please note that we may need to contact you by post, e-mail or phone. Therefore, please inform us about changes in your personal data.

12. Website

Our website uses cookies. A cookie is a small file consisting of letters and numbers that we save on your browser or your computer’s hard drive with your consent. We use different cookies for different purposes. Cookies also help us to distinguish you from other users of the website, thus ensuring a more pleasant experience when using the website and allowing us to improve the website.

Most browsers allow you to reject all cookies, and some browsers have the option to reject only third-party cookies. Thus, you can enjoy these opportunities. However, please note that blocking all cookies will have a negative impact on the use of the website, and without cookies you will not be able to use all the services provided on the website. More information is available at or

We may use the following cookies:

Name of the cookie Purpose/objective of data processing Nature of the cookie (necessary, analytical, functional, commercial) Expiry date
_ga The cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie collects information about the user’s behaviour on the website and is used to save statistical information. Analytical 2 years
_gid The cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie collects information about the user’s behaviour on the website and is used to save statistical information. Analytical 1 day
_gat The cookie is used to manage the flow of requests. Analytical 1 year
_cookie_notice_accepted The cookie stores the state of the consent on the use of cookies of the current cookie domain user. Necessary 1 year

13. Social media tools

The information you provide to us through social media tools (including messages, use of the boxes Like and Follow, other communications) shall be controlled by the social network operator.

Our website contains links to our social media accounts.

We process the information provided in our accounts for the purpose of administering our accounts based on your consent.

We recommend that you carefully read the privacy notices of third parties and contact the service providers directly if you have any questions about how they use your personal data.

14. Acquisition and disclosure of data

We receive your data from you, your legal representatives, your devices, our employees, banks and our contractual legal partners.

We may disclose information about you to our employees, service providers, such as IT specialists, website administrators, etc., if this data is reasonably necessary to achieve the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy, as well as to banks and other recipients specified in the Policy.

In addition, we may disclose information about you:

  • If we are required to do so by law;
  • If it has been decided to sell a part of Bonus Vita’s activity (shares) or its assets, disclosing your personal data to a potential buyer of the activity (shares) or its part;
  • After selling Bonus Vita’s activities (shares) or a substantial part of its assets to third parties.

Except for the cases provided for in this Privacy Policy, we shall not provide your personal data to any third parties.

The list of recipients or categories of recipients specified in the Privacy Policy may change; thus, we recommend that you regularly check whether the Privacy Policy has been altered.

15. Security of your personal data

Your personal data shall be processed in accordance with the requirements established by the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania and other legislation. When processing your personal data, we implement organizational and technical measures that ensure the protection of personal data against accidental or illegal destruction, alteration, disclosure, as well as against any other illegal processing.

16. Your rights

In this section, we provide information about your rights related to the processing of your personal data by us, and the cases when you can exercise these rights.

Bonus Vita shall provide you with information about the actions taken after receiving your request regarding the implementation of your rights without undue delay, but no later than within 1 (one) month after receiving the request. Considering the complexity of the request and the number of requests received, the above-mentioned deadline can be extended for another 2 (two) months. In this case, we shall inform you about such extension of the deadline and the reasons for it within 1 (one) month after receiving the request. Bonus Vita shall refuse to exercise your rights only in cases provided by legal acts.

17. The right to access your personal data

We aim to fully explain you how we use your personal data and to help you to avoid any inconvenience in relation to the processing of your personal data. You can contact us at any time and ask whether we process any of your personal data. If we store or use your personal data in any way, you have the right to access them. To do this, send us a written request at the email address specified in this Privacy Policy, confirm your personal identity; and observe the principles of fairness and reasonableness in making such a request.

17.1. Right to withdraw the consent

If you have given us your explicit consent for the processing of your data, you can withdraw it at any time. You can submit information about the withdrawal of your consent to the e-mail address specified in this Privacy Policy.

17.2. Additional rights

Please find below information about additional rights you have, which you can exercise by following the procedure described below.

  • You have the right to ask us to correct any inaccuracies in the data we hold. In this case, we may ask you to confirm the corrected information.
  • You have the right to ask us to delete your personal data. This right is exercised in the cases provided for in Article 17 of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
  • You have the right to ask us to limit the processing of your personal data or not to process them:
    • During the period necessary for us to verify the accuracy of your personal data when you submit claims regarding the accuracy of the data;
    • When the collection, storage or use of your personal data performed by us is illegal, but you decide not to request data deletion;
    • When we no longer need your personal data, but you need it to establish, fulfil or defend a legal claim;
    • For the period required to determine whether we have an overriding legal basis to continue processing your personal data in cases when you have exercised your right to object to the processing of your personal data.
  • You are entitled to the transfer of data that is processed by automated means and that we received from you with your consent or for the purposes of concluding a contract. After you exercise this right, we will transfer a copy of the data you provided at your request.
  • You are entitled to object to the using your personal data by us in accordance with the procedure set forth in Article 21 of the GDPR. You have the right to object when your personal data is processed on the basis of a legitimate interest (for each purpose of data processing mentioned above, the basis on which the data is processed shall be indicated) or for the purpose of direct marketing.

17.3. The right to request more information

We hope that you will understand that it is extremely difficult to cover all possible ways of collecting and using personal data. We strive to provide as clear and detailed information as possible and undertake to update this Privacy Policy if the process of using personal data changes.

However, if you have any questions about the use of your personal data, we will be happy to answer them or provide you with any additional information that we can disclose. If you have any specific questions or do not understand the information provided, please contact us.

18. Complaints

If you believe that your rights as a Data Subject have been and/or may be violated, please contact us immediately at the e-mail address specified in this Privacy Policy. We guarantee that after receiving your complaint, we will contact you within a reasonable period of time and inform you about the progress of the investigation of the complaint, and later about the results of the investigation.

If you are not satisfied with the results of the investigation, you can file a complaint with the supervisory authority – the State Data Protection Inspectorate (

19. Liability

You are responsible for the confidentiality of the data you provide, as well as for ensuring that the data you provide to us is accurate, correct and complete. If the data you provided changes, you must immediately inform us about it by e-mail. In no case will we be liable for any damage caused to you due to the fact that you have provided incorrect or incomplete personal data or have not informed us when they have changed.

20. Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may update or change this Privacy Policy at any time. You can always find the current version of the Privacy Policy on our website

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 15 September 2022.